This looks amazing. The secret ingredient is Hearts of Palm in place of lobster. And of course use Old Bay seasoning. The recipe is here:
This looks amazing. The secret ingredient is Hearts of Palm in place of lobster. And of course use Old Bay seasoning. The recipe is here:
One week ago, Apple stock was at $503.43. It closed Friday Aug 28 at $499.23. Over the weekend, it split 4-1 which should make the current value $124.81. But it soared to $129.75 (as of 8/31/20 at 11am), up 3.96%.
Also, Tesla closed on Friday Aug 28 at $2,213.40. It split 5-1 which should make its current value $442.68. But it soared to $488.28 (as of 8/31/20 at 11am), up about 10%. The market cap for Tesla is $454.98 billion. If it gets to $500 billion (and stays there), I will add it to the G8 list.
Note: Tesla is extremely overvalued. It was at $361.22 on March 18. The equivalent post-split is $72.24. It will drop 85% or more during the next "panic" (to use an older term for stock market declines). But when will the crash occur? I am not suggesting buying shorts, because the market can remain irrational far longer than you can remain liquid.
Go to:
and look up the lines: Issues Nonmarketable Government Account Series and: Redemptions and Nonmarketable Government Account Series
The numbers are similar every day. For 8/27/20, there were $414.07 billion issued and $414.24 redeemed. For some reason, the Treasury issues and redeems about $400 billion of non-marketable debt every day. That explains the $100 trillion+ of churn every year.
But why do they do this? A one-day Treasury bill is just as good as cash. So this is effectively an internal currency. But still very mysterious. Why wouldn't they use at least 7-day bills? The things to look for would be sudden changes and if this increases over time.
And indeed it is increasing over time, but not by much. On 8/27/19, as a comparison, there was 380.5 issued and 373.8 of redeemed of Government Account Series.
Dave Lindorff talks about massive ongoing fraud at the Pentagon.
See also: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed
In fiscal year 2015, for example, Congress appropriated $122 billion for the US Army. Yet DoD financial records for the Army’s 2015 budget included a whopping $6.5 trillion (yes, trillion) in plugs. Most of these plugs “lack[ed] supporting documentation,” in the bland phrasing of the department’s internal watchdog, the Office of Inspector General. In other words, there were no ledger entries or receipts to back up how that $6.5 trillion supposedly was spent.
On September 10, 2001 Rumsfeld called a dramatic press conference at the Pentagon to make a startling announcement. Referring to the huge military budget that was his official responsibility, he said, “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” This shocking news that an amount more than five times as large as the Pentagon’s FY 2001 budget of an estimated $313 billion was lost or even just “untrackable” was—at least for one 24-hour news cycle—a big national story, as was Secretary Rumsfeld’s comment that America’s adversary was not China or Russia, but rather was “closer to home: It’s the Pentagon bureaucracy.” Equally stunning was Rumsfeld’s warning that the tracking down of those missing transactions “could be…a matter of life and death.” No Pentagon leader had ever before said such a thing, nor has anyone done so since then.
Jump to 17:50. "That 90 trillion could support up to $120 trillion in actual debt. I don't know that that's a fact, but it's a discrepancy - why do we have 22 trillion in acknowledged debt but 90 trillion in reissuance. According to my calculations and I'm pretty sure thats right - that we wouldn't need 90 trillion, we would only need 16 trillion. Maybe there is another explanation and I keep asking people is there some other explanation, but I haven't gotten one yet."
The official national debt, both debt held by the public and intragovernmental holdings, is about $26.6 trillion. But what if the actual debt was over $100 trillion? This post briefly explores this conspiracy theory.
Where would the money have gone? Much of the government budget is classified, either by the military or by intelligence agencies, like the CIA. Each branch of the military and each intelligence agency likely has its own slush fund with hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars in it. Each government entity just spends whatever it wants and uses the money from the Treasury to replenish its slush fund. An entity with a guaranteed source of income also will have the ability to borrow money and just use the Treasury money to pay interest on the loans.
Read: Another Conspiracy Theory
Pentagon Accounting Fail
The shoddy Pentagon accounting is done on purpose in a bad attempt to disguise and obfuscate all of this secret money. Because this issue keeps popping up and embarrassing the Pentagon, they passed a new accounting rule that lets them keep these issues a secret. It is called FASAB 56.
The other side of the coin is where did the money come from? Treasury annually issues trillions in new debt. In 2019, Treasury issued $91 trillion in new debt, and redeemed $90 trillion. They amount that is issued is far in excess of that required to reissue debt that has expired. To just reissue expiring debt would take about $16 trillion per year. (See the chart called "Debt and Debt Turnover by Term-length" at
There must be a secret series of bills and notes. So as a hypothetical example, if the Army needs to pay a contractor $100 million for work done, it would instead issue a 90-day DOD warrant (or whatever the name for this IOU is called). This wouldn't come out of the Army budget because it isn't cash. The contractor would take the warrant and sell it to the bank (let's call it "JP Morgan Chase Bank" just for fun) at a slight discount and get its money. The bank would hold it for 90 days and then swap it to a Primary Dealer for a legit 90-day T-bill. The Primary Dealer would then exchange it with Treasury for a 90-day Series D (I just made that up, with D standing for Defense) note. At the primary dealer level, the Series D notes and the Series P notes (I just made that up, with P standing for public) are essentially interchangeable.
The Treasury only reports the Series P notes as being part of the debt, but not the Series D notes. The P notes are legit and come from the budget authorized by Congress. The D notes are essentially fake, and come from spending not authorized by Congress, but the primary dealers act as secret central banks and essentially issue counterfeit notes (which just to be clear are not U.S. dollar bills) which can be swapped out with the "real" notes on demand. We are talking about massive fraud here on a scale that dwarfs the legitimate economy ($100 trillion+ v $26.6 trillion officially). And everybody "in-the-loop" knows about this and condones it but Treasury has deniability. The dirty money creation is contracted out.
And that is how the national debt could be much larger than is publicly reporting. This is a theory because it is not proven. Is there a way of disproving it?
There are 8 massive stocks that dominate the stock market, as follows:
Big 8 | ||||
Market Cap | Market Cap | |||
Rank | Symbol | Company | 06/30/20 | 08/28/20 |
1 | AAPL | Apple Inc | 1,563.0 | 2,138.0 |
2 | MSFT | Microsoft | 1,541.0 | 1,732.0 |
3 | AMZN | Amazon | 1,382.0 | 1,703.0 |
4 | GOOG | Alphabet | 963.0 | 1,119.0 |
5 | FB | 647.2 | 836.4 | |
6 | BABA | Alibaba | 579.5 | 781.4 |
7 | TCEHY | Tencent | 611.5 | 673.8 |
8 | BRK | Berkshire Hathaway | 427.8 | 521.0 |
Honorable Mention | ||||
V | VISA | 412.7 | 459.0 | |
TSLA | Tesla | 200.8 | 412.5 | |
JNJ | Johnson & Johnson | 370.2 | 404.4 | |
WMT | Walmart | 339.2 | 397.4 | |
JPM | JP Morgan Chase | 286.7 | 313.0 | |
VZ | Verizon | 245.2 | ||
NFLX | Netflix | 231.0 | ||
BAC | Bank of America | 205.8 | 227.8 |
XOM | Exxon Mobil | 189.1 | 172.1 | |
CHL | China Mobile | 149.5 | ||
TM | Toyota | 133.9 | ||
RDS | Royal Dutch Shell | 131.4 | 117.8 | |
WFC | Wells Fargo | 105.5 | 101.6 | |
GE | General Electric | 57.9 |
This guy (I don't know his name) ate nothing but tuna and mustard for 3 days. He ate six times a day, with 2 cans of tuna at each meal for 1320 calories per day. His starting weight was 205.7 and ending weight at 199.5, so he lost 6.2 lbs in 3 days. He really hates tuna, but took one for the team. Good job man.™ is a team of builders, scientists, artists, and hackers.
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1. No breakfast. Don't eat anything before noon, and preferably drink very little before noon. This is the intermittent fasting and possibly intermittent dry fasting portion of the plan.
2. Eat twice a day at noon and at 9pm. No snacks.
3. On day 1, the "feast" day, eat only salad, with minimal toppings or dressing, without protein. Don't order a fast food salad, instead get a bag from the grocery store. I don't like iceberg lettuce so I get romaine lettuce, spring mix, cabbage, bok choy, or kale. If the salad kit has toppings, its ok to use them, but don't add any additional toppings such as cheese or egg or lunch meat. A little fruit is ok. And a small serving of beans is ok, if that's what you want. No bread. The theme on the feast day is vegetarian.
4. On day 2, the "fast" day, eat only canned fish, either mackeral or tuna or sardines. No veggies allowed and no other carbs or protein allowed. No cheese. Pickles are allowed as is a little mayonnaise. The theme on the fast day is keto and your carb count should be zero.
5. If you are going to cheat a little, do it on the "feast" day. If you want additional protein, do it on the "fast" day.
1. Are donuts allowed? No.
2. Is cheese allowed? No, unless a small amount is included as part of the salad kit.
3. Will this help me lose weight? Maybe. Try it and see.
4. What is wrong with a cheeseburger, if you skip the bun? Two problems: 1) if you eat too much protein it triggers an insulin response just not quite as bad as carbs; 2) for me hamburger and steak are not filling and I want more, but I don't have the same problem with tuna. So just say no to red meat.
5. Can I combine the tuna with my salad? No. Keep it simple. On the salad day, you can have as much salad as you want as long as you minimize the dressing. On tuna day, you can have as much tuna as you want as long as you don't eat anything else. They are different weight loss strategies.
6. Should I count calories? If you are seriously thinking this, then yes you should. Cabbage has 17 calories per cup. Tuna has 100 calories per 5 ounce can.
7. Can I eat fruit, like a grapefruit, banana or apple? Only 1 per day on the feast day. Fruit has glucose which requires insulin to metabolize.
To be continued...
Tomo ( is a fintech company offering a new type of credit card. It's really a charge card because it has to be paid off every month and you aren't allowed to carry a balance. It is worth applying for because there is no credit check - they analyze your bank account data to determine if you qualify. Interesting concept.
The book is called "Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate (2005)" and is available for free download at: . I am interested in how they came up with their recommendations. The quotes are in italics and my comments are in regular text.
the AI [Adequate Intake] for total water (from a combination of drinking water, beverages, and food) is set based on the median total water intake from U.S. survey data. The AI for total water intake for young men and women (ages 19 to 30 years) is 3.7 L and 2.7 L per day, respectively. Fluids (drinking water and beverages) provided 3.0 L (101 fluid oz; ≈ 13 cups) and 2.2 L (74 fluid oz; ≈ 9 cups) per day for 19- to 30-year-old men and women, respectively, representing approximately 81 percent of total water intake in the U.S. survey.
So they just did a study of water intake and took the median value and made that their recommendation, which is that men should drink 3.0 L of fluids and women should drink 2.2 L. What happens if people drink less or more than that?
As with AIs for other nutrients, for a healthy person, daily consumption below the AI may not confer additional risk because a wide range of intakes is compatible with normal hydration. In this setting, the AI should not be interpreted as a specific requirement.
So drinking less than AI is not necessarily a problem.
Higher intakes of total water will be required for those who are physically active or who are exposed to hot environments. Because healthy individuals have considerable ability to excrete excess water and thereby maintain water balance, a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) was not set for water. However, acute water toxicity has been reported due to rapid consumption of large quantities of fluids that greatly exceeded the kidney’s maximal excretion rate of approximately 0.7 to 1.0 L/hour.
Drinking more than AI is not a problem because it can be excreted, so long as a large quantity is not quickly consumed.
So what is the real danger with drinking too little water?
an Adequate Intake (AI) for total water is set to prevent deleterious, primarily acute, effects of dehydration, which include metabolic and functional abnormalities.
Where does the water go? 1) Respiratory. Daily respiratory water loss averages about 250 to 350 mL/day for sedentary persons, but can increase to 500 to 600 mL/day for active persons living in temperate climates at sea level. 2) Urinary and gastrointestinal. the minimum urine output is approximately 500 mL/day. Urine output generally averages 1 to 2 L/day. Exercise and heat strain will reduce urine output by 20 to 60 percent while cold and hypoxia will increase urine output. Gastrointestinal and thus fecal water loss in healthy adults is approximately 100 to 200 mL/day. 3) Sweat. For the average adult, loss of water by insensible diffusion is approximately 450 mL/day. For persons living in hot climates, daily sweat losses often exceed several liters. The average daily sweat loss for 97 men in the desert was 4.9 L.
How much water does the body produce? a reasonable estimate of daily metabolic water production is an average of approximately 250 to 350 L/day for sedentary persons—but which can increase to 500 to 600 mL/ day for physically active persons. Hence, respiratory water losses are roughly equivalent to, or offset by, metabolic water production.
By simple math, we can figure out the minimum requirement. Respiratory (300 mL) + Urinary (500 mL) + Gastroinstestinal (150 mL) + Sweat (450 ml) - Metabolic (300 mL) = 1100 mL. So that is how much fluid must be consumed each day.
Subsequent studies recommended minimum daily water requirements of no less then 0.91 L for survival conditions and 3.0 L for hot weather.
So there you go - the average amount of fluid that an average person must consume each day to survive is about 37 ounces (1.1 L). This level would increase in a hot or cold environment. There is nothing wrong with consuming much more than this, but that is the absolute minimum. Anything more than this (if you are not in a hot environment) is just preference.
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Lane Ruhland, doofus |
Kanye West's election attorney, Lane Ruhland, was 14 seconds late in submitting the paperwork to the electoral commission. She entered the building at 5:00:14 pm. The deadline was 5:00:00 pm, so the paperwork was late and the ballot signatures were not valid, and West did not qualify to get on the presidential ballot in November.
The votes in Wisconsin are likely to be extremely close, and if West would have gotten just a few thousand votes, that may have been enough to make Trump the winner. If Trump won Wisconsin, that may be enough to give him 269 electoral votes and then the House could declare him the winner. But without Wisconsin, it is practically impossible for Trump to win. Since Lane Ruhland was 14 seconds late, that means Biden will win instead of Trump.
The 2020 Long-Term Budget Outlook, which will be published on September 21, will provide projections of federal spending, revenues, deficits, and debt for the next 30 years if current laws generally do not change. Those projections will be consistent with CBO’s latest baseline budget and economic projections.
NIH Federal Credit Union is now the coolest thing around. It used to only be open to the scientists at the National Institutes of Health but now it is open to everyone. You should join at:
There are four easy ways to qualify for NIHFCU membership: 1. You’re an employee, contractor, fellow, volunteer, pensioner/retiree of the National Institutes of Health. 2. You’re an employee, member, or student of one of our many partners. Click here for a list. NIHFCU@Work Partners 3. You’re a child, sibling, parent, spouse, grandchild, or grandparent of, or share joint household financial responsibility with, a current NIHFCU member. 4. Or, none of the above? we’ll open a free membership for you to the American Consumer Council, a non-profit Consumer Education organization. It requires no work on your part and qualifies you immediately for NIHFCU membership.I want to link this because it is important. A Seattle resident named Cliff Mass documented the destruction he saw in Seattle:
He was fired from his job because he dared to just post pictures: He compared the destruction in Seattle to destruction in Germany in 1938 and that rubbed people the wrong way.
I deliberately made the headline very provocative. I am going to go on a tangent but hear me out.
The cause of obesity is unknown, despite numerous studies. A whole diet industry exists with the intention of keeping people fat, and 99.999% of diets fail. The idea of CICO (calories in and calories out) is false, but there is obviously some correlation between calories eaten and weight. Here is a hypothesis: when you eat polluted food, your body reacts to the toxin, which causes inflammation. Fighting obesity requires eating less food (obviously), but also eating a better quality of food, and treating the inflammation. We know that chronic inflammation is linked to weight gain, whether cause or effect. We know that inflammation is linked to fluid retention, whether cause or effect. Inflammation could be caused by food allergies. But could inflammation be partially treated by consuming less fluids?
If you hear someone say dismissively, “Oh, you just lost water weight,” they’re right (at first), because eating foods you are allergic to causes inflammation, which leads to swelling and fluid retention. Getting rid of this fluid by reducing inflammation is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. It is what will allow your body to start the healing process so you can achieve permanent weight loss and optimal health. Consuming a low-allergy diet for just 1 week will help you eliminate the excess swelling and fluid that accumulates in your tissues from food-induced chronic inflammation. Despite criticisms you may have heard about losing ONLY water weight, this is essential for you body to begin to heal and detoxify. And the side effect is that you lose significant weight — quickly and safely.
I am very impressed with the military diet, and here is my latest version of it that I want to try sometime.
Day 1 Lunch:This is very similar to the original military diet meal plan, I just combined breakfast and lunch and replaced ice cream with greek yogurt.
It is now (August 10 at 1:30pm) at $29.01. On August 6, it jumped from $27/ounce to $29/ounce then it dropped to just over $28/ounce on August 7.
Apple stock (AAPL) jumped to above $450/share. It is now 450.57.
Facebook (FB) jumped above $260/share and it is now 262.78.
The other bubble stocks (Microsoft, Alphabet,Amazon,Tesla) have dropped slightly.
The July 2020 deficit was $61 billion, and the fiscal year-to-date deficit was $2.806 trillion. Why was the July deficit so low? It wasn't because of a decrease in spending, no it was because of a huge increase in revenue - but from where? "payment deadlines for individual and corporate income taxes were delayed from April and June to July, so tax receipts were unusually large this July".
So this is a freak event, and August will be back to a "new normal" deficit of about $200 billion. I expect the fiscal year 2020 deficit to be about $3.2 trillion, which is a huge number, but still less than the $4 trillion I previously thought it would be.
The wildcard is if another stimulus bill is passed or if Trump's executive order in lieu of a spending bill is valid and what the cost of it will be.
2MAD stands for Two Meals A Day, and it is my latest diet theory. Here are the rules:
1. Skip breakfast except for coffee.
2. For lunch (12:00pm), have a sandwich or a fast-food cheeseburger (with bun) or 6-inch sub. No fries or chips or salad.
3. No snacks.
4. Skip supper.
5. Have a late night meal at 9pm. Include ramen noodles or other type of pasta, but watch the serving size. Also have a plate of whatever you want, like a fried egg or hamburger patty or salad or toast or green beans. Or you could eat breakfast food, like oatmeal or cereal.
That's it. Simple, easy-to-follow, boring, cheap and effective. I have been losing an average of 1/3 lb per day.
What is the theory behind this?
1. Intermittent fasting. You have 2 eating windows from 12-1 pm and 9-10 pm and 2 fasting cycles of 14 hours and 8 hours. Instead of fasting for an entire day every week, you fast every day, just for shorter periods of time.
2. Eat your carbs. Well, in limited quantities and no corn syrup. Eat bread and pasta. Keto doesn't work.
3. Calorie Restriction. This doesn't involve calorie counting, but this plan should be less than 1500 calories per day.
See also where you can pay $50 for a customized meal plan.
Update: Most diets involve "magic" foods, for example the grapefruit diet, or just eat salad. The Atkins diet says only eat protein. This diet has no magic foods. You can eat anything you want, at the appropriate time, in an appropriate amount, everyday. The problem isn't what you eat, the problem is how much you eat and when you eat it.
As a result, a nation’s pride in having suppressed the virus turned to panic and full lockdown. Internal borders are sealed. And Melbourne has become a living hell, not because of the virus (which is still mild) but because of the unleashing of a hellish police state.
A friend summarized the situation for me: