On 6/15/2023, the national debt was $32,039,244,474,237.54. Don't forget the 54 cents, very important.
When did it hit $16 trillion? On 8/31/2012. I even wrote a blog post about it, see https://aftermath2022.blogspot.com/2012/09/national-debt-exceeds-16-trillion.html . So it took about 11 years to double the national debt. So if current trends continue, the national debt should be at $64 billion in 2034.
I used to have links to these blog posts. The link to $31 trillion is here: https://aftermath2022.blogspot.com/2022/11/deficit-of-14-trillion-in-fy-2022.html
$30 trillion https://aftermath2022.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-national-debt-hits-30-trillion.html This has the history of the earlier debt milestones.
The national debt was "only" $23 trillion on 12/31/2019, so it has increased by $9 trillion in a little over 3 years.
The next milestone should come sooner. Look for $33 trillion in debt by 10/1/2023 when the new fiscal year begins.