Monday, September 30, 2024

Sanctions don't work anymore


Accordingly, WaPo reports that the deleterious “overuse” of sanctions “is recognized at the highest levels” of the US government, and “concern about their impact has grown” in line with their use: “Some senior administration officials have told President Biden directly that overuse of sanctions risks making the tool less valuable.” However, US officials still can’t kick their sanctions habit, “[tending] to see each individual action as justified, making it hard to stop the trend.”

As the mainstream media is now frequently forced to admit, Western sanctions on Moscow not only failed to produce universally forecast economic destruction, but revitalised domestic industry and increased wages for average citizens. In May, The Spectator begrudgingly observed, “Russians are spending more on restaurants, white goods, and even property - they’ve never had it so good.” Meanwhile, Europe, electively cut off from the country’s cheap energy supplies due to those sanctions, is deindustrialising at rapacious speed.

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