Honorable Rosemarie Aquilina
"Ruling that the governor and Detroit’s emergency manager violated the state constitution, an Ingham County Circuit judge ordered Friday that Detroit’s federal bankruptcy filing be withdrawn. [Michigan Judge Rosemarie] Aquilina rejected requests from the Michigan Attorney General’s Office for dismissal of the union-pension plan cases and raked the Snyder administration for the hasty bankruptcy filing on Thursday. “It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.” Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order."
From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130719/METRO01/307190099
Is the judge ordering President Obama to bailout Detroit again? Does the judge believe that money will magically appear if she orders Michigan Gov. Snyder to pay the creditors in full?
King Canute ordering the tide to stop rising
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