Thursday, August 25, 2016

Military Diet Video

Interesting video by a woman with a British accent.  It has peas and pretzels on the menu, which makes this another variation.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Military Diet Review

Another variation

First Day

1/2 Grapefruit or Juice1/2 cup Tuna2 Slices (3 oz.) of any Meat
1 Slice of toast1 Slice Toast1 cup Green Beans
1 tbsp. Peanut ButterBlack Coffee or Tea1 cup Carrots or Beets
Black Coffee or Tea1 small Apple
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream

Second Day

1 hard-boiled Egg1 cup Cottage Cheese2 Wieners
1 Slice of toast or 1/2 cup Tuna 1 cup Cabbage or Broccoli
1/2 Banana5 Saltine Crackers1/2  cup Carrots
Black Coffee or Tea or Turnip Greens 
1/2 Banana
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
Third Day

1 hard-boiled Egg1 slice Cheddar Cheese1 cup Tuna
1 Slice of toast5 Saltine Crackers1 cup Carrots or Beets
Black Coffee or Tea1 small Apple1 cupGreen Beans
Black Coffee or Tea or Cauliflower 
1 cup Cantaloupe
 or 1 small Apple 
1/2 cup Vanilla Ice Cream


The Cleveland Clinic Diet

Here is the meal plan:

Day One:
 Breakfast: Black coffee, water, or tea; half of a grapefruit or pink grapefruit juice; and one slice of toast with 1 or 2 tbl of peanut butter
 Lunch: Black coffee, water, or tea; 1/2 cup of water-packed tuna; and one slice of dry toast
Dinner: Black coffee, water, or tea; 3 oz lean meat; 1 cup green beans; 1 cup beets; 1 cup vanilla ice cream; and one small apple

Day Two:
 Breakfast: Black coffee, water, or tea; one egg, any style; one banana (some versions say 1/2 banana); and one slice of dry toast
Lunch: Black coffee, water, or tea; 1 cup of cottage cheese; and five saltine crackers
Dinner: Black coffee, water, or tea; two hot dogs; 1/2 cup carrots; 1 cup broccoli (or cabbage); one banana (some versions say 1/2 banana); and 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

Day Three:
 Breakfast: Black coffee, water, or tea; five saltine crackers; one egg (or one slice cheddar cheese); and one 4-oz glass of apple juice
Lunch: Black coffee, water, or tea; one hard-boiled egg; one small apple; and one slice of dry toast
Dinner: Black coffee, water, or tea; 1 cup tuna, chicken, or turkey; 1 cup cauliflower or green beans; 1 cup beets; 1 cup cantaloupe or one small apple; and 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream


This is very similar, but not identical to the military diet.  It has more calories on day 3.

CBO Long-Term Outlook

This is worth a perusal.  In my opinion, the deficit can be pretty much ignored until it reaches $800 billion per year.  According to this document, that will happen in 2021, when the deficit hits $806 billion.  It starts increasing rapidly after that.

Of course, this assumes that no recession will ever happen again.  If a recession hits later this year or next like I expect, then the deficit will start soaring sooner than that.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The 3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet ( is a variation of the Military Diet.  It is a rival, with a slightly different menu.

On Day 1 dinner it calls for 1 cup of carrots instead of 1/2 banana.
Day 2 breakfast calls for 1 banana instead of 1/2 banana.
Day 2 lunch calls for 2% cottage cheese instead of 4% cottage cheese and 7 crackers instead of 5.
Day 2 dinner calls for 1 banana instead of 1/2 banana.
Day 3 dinner calls for 1 cup carrots, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup melon,1/2 cup ice cream and no banana, vs 1/2 banana and 1 cup ice cream.

Other than that, they are the SAME EXACT diet.

I wonder which one came first?  Ohh, historical development.

The Military Diet

I hate diets, but I am impressed with this one for several reasons.  It is short, only three days, it has some interesting foods on there (cheese, hot dogs, ice cream), it is very strict (you have to follow it exactly), it actually has a fairly wide variety of foods on it, no one knows where it came from, it has several variations, and a lot of people have commented on it.

There are two "official" websites, which are not connected, but which have the SAME EXACT menu.

I may be temporarily turning this blog into a military diet blog.  I see some profound or at least interesting philosophy behind it.

Article 1:  The Military Diet Cult

Going on a fad diet is similar in some ways to joining a religion.  You are significantly changing your behavior based on adopting a belief system.  Most diets have a founder, usually Doctor someone, and try to show the "scientific" basis for the diet.  You can buy the bible of the diet, "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution", "The South Beach Diet" by Dr. Agatston, "The Zone Diet" by Dr Barry Sears", etc.

No one knows where the Military Diet came from or who named it that.  It certainly has nothing to do with the military.  It is probably because it is so strict, like joining boot camp.  I personally think it came from Moses, who got it from God on Mt. Sinai.

So I think it is like a cult.  But it is only for three days!  (Unlike the Atkins diet religion, which is for life).  And the adherents think they have discovered a new truth which they are propagating.

So join the Military Diet cult today!  You have nothing to lose but your weight (up to 10 lbs).

Update:  Here is yet another "official" website, with the same exact menu plan.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Social Security will be bankrupt in 10 years


Note:  I don't necessarily agree with his analysis, since the official report says that it is good until 2034, but it is worth a read.  The author says that GDP growth and SS tax revenue will be much lower than projected.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Fighting Fat With Fat

Saturday, August 13, 2016

$14 trillion public debt

The Debt Held by the Public exceeded $14 trillion on 8/11/16.  It first exceeded $13 trillion on 12/30/14.

Who cares, right?  Well if it doesn't matter, why don't we abolish taxes and just rack up the debt?  Hmm.

The Debt Held by the Public hit $7 trillion on 5/28/2009.  So the doubling period is just over 7 years.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chinese companies reluctantly control Bitcoin

Mr. Wu and the other mining pool operators in China have often seemed somewhat surprised, and even unhappy, that their investments have given them decision-making power within the Bitcoin network. “Miners are the hardware guys. Why are you asking us about software?” is the line that Mr. Ng said he often hears from miners.

Karl Denninger goes Galt

Construction Spending


It hasn't dropped below zero yet.