Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The OODA Loop

 This is Sun Tzu The Art of War type stuff.  OODA means Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.  It means that you interrupt your enemies decision-making process, watch how they react, and then do something else that interrupts their decision making, and it throws them off balance.  It puts you in charge.

"If you could implement the OODA-loop faster than your enemy, then you were “inside” his decision-making cycle.  And they would die.  The key aspect of the OODA-loop is the “loop” — this wasn’t a one-time exercise, but a series of connected actions, each feeding off the other. You took an action and then observed the enemy’s reaction. You orient on the reaction, and decide which option is best before acting. The enemy now reacts. And the cycle repeats. Until the enemy dies. The goal is not to let up once engaged, to keep the enemy reacting to your actions until you have them where you want them."

Read:   https://consortiumnews.com/2025/02/17/scott-ritter-trumps-munich-strategy/

This is the game Trump is playing with the European Union.

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