Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Democrats want to shut down the government on March 15

Say Democrats vote against a clean spending bill in the House and allow a shutdown to occur: Musk might have dismissed tens of thousands of federal workers, but Uncle Sam still employs more than 2 million more who would be furloughed without pay.  Amid the finger-pointing, Republicans would call vote after vote to reopen government agencies — casting Democrats as the ones who are repeatedly choosing to keep agencies shut and employees home without paychecks. 


Trump, the evil genius, is playing 10-D chess.  The Democrats don't like spending cuts, so in protest they shut the whole thing down, showing how worthless most bureaucrats are.  They aren't going to win this, because they need the government open more than the Republicans do.  Its like a union going on strike - can they outlast management who now doesn't have to pay the wages of the strikers?    

And then Trump is intentionally causing a recession with cutting government spending and imposing tariffs.  This will force the Fed to cut rates, which is what Trump wants.  

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