Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Transhumanism is Slavery

The dominant techno-optimist ideology of our time—a reckless fusion of Nietzschean will-to-power, accelerationist dogma, and neoliberal market absolutism—is not just misguided but fundamentally anti-human. It does not seek to serve humanity but to surpass it, viewing human beings as a temporary evolutionary step toward a post-biological order. Its adherents do not merely disrupt industries; they aim to rewrite human nature itself, treating moral limits as obsolete constraints and communities as relics to be dismantled. Beneath their utopian rhetoric lies a nihilistic project: the replacement of embodied souls with disembodied data, of sacred life with machine logic.


Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

 This looks like a very interesting book that I haven't read yet.  Available here: https://archive.org/details/ElonMuskTeslaSpaceX/mode/2up

A version of this, called "Elon Musk and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, Young Readers Edition" was produced in 2019 for a cost of $17,054, funded by USAID.  Ironically, this is the agency that Musk is trying to shut down.

Update:  This is Retrofuturism, with retro being 2019, which seems like ancient history now.

I mentioned this before somewhere but the total National Debt was only $23.2 trillion on 12/31/2019, whereas now it is $36.2 trillion.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Egg Shortage Plandemic

 In 2020, eggs prices cost an average of $1.51 per dozen.  Today (Feb 24, 2025), it is virtually impossible to buy eggs because they are sold out, and when you can buy them, the cost is about $8 per dozen.  

Why is this? Because the US Department of Agriculture has ordered the killing of hundreds of millions of chickens because they may be infected with bird flu (H5N1).  The only problem is that the bird flu is a massive fraud that exceeds even COVID-19.  The PCR test is fake and there is no bird flu.  The CDC and USDA are run by psychopaths.

Read this: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/avian-flu-virus-h5n1-no-proof-for

Also: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/faking-fakery-the-prequel-how-theranos

Wait! What am I talking about? PCR is not a diagnostic. Except, the CDC goons are currently slaughtering and mRNA-poisoning all 300M+ healthy chickens in the US based on the fake PCR tests of “H5N1 virus”… but nevermind! Reasonable, thoughtful, health freedom-minded scientists do not claim it’s a diagnostic. They talk about “facts and fears of avian flu”, “leaky vaccines”, etc. omitting the only true fact - H5N1 or avian flu is a fake. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Debt Spiral and US Financial Collapse in the 2030s

 Read:  https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2025/02/a-debt-spiral-and-us-financial-collapse-in-the-2030s.html

The U.S. national debt is currently $37 trillion, and it’s growing at a rate of $1 trillion every 100 days. This translates to an annual increase of approximately $3.65 trillion (since there are about 365 days in a year, and $1 trillion every 100 days equals 3.65 increments per year). If this pace continues unchecked, the debt could reach insane levels:

In 5 years [2030]: $37 trillion + (5 × $3.65 trillion) = $55.25 trillion
In 10 years [2035]: $37 trillion + (10 × $3.65 trillion) = $73.5 trillion
In 20 years [2045]: $37 trillion + (20 × $3.65 trillion) = $110 trillion

Conclusion: High Risk by the mid-2030s and pretty certain doom by 2045

USSR-style Collapse: Not imminent, but a debt crisis could emerge in 10–20 years (2034–2044) if the debt grows unchecked at $1 trillion every 100 days, reaching $73.5–$110 trillion. A sudden collapse is less likely than a prolonged struggle.

Hyperinflation and Interest Rate/Inflation Spiral: Could begin within 10 years (by 2034) if debt servicing costs spiral and confidence in the dollar weakens, with hyperinflation possible soon after.

Loss of Reserve Currency Status: A gradual shift to Bitcoin, the Euro, or the Yuan might occur over 20–30 years (2044–2054), though a faster transition by 2030 is possible if a crisis accelerates.

Comment:  The author seems to think that the increase in debt is linear, whereas actually it will be like compounding interest.  I am forecasting a $110 trillion debt to the public level (which is less than the total national debt) in 2045 as well.

Could we just adjust to the higher debt level in 2045, which is about 3 times the current level?  After all, what was it 20 years ago in 2005?  About $8 trillion.  So it has increased more than 4.5 times since then.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mystery Man


Who is this?

I am really curious as to who this man is.  He is to the left of Pete Hegseth in Brussels, and is probably an American.  I haven't tried too hard to identify him but here is the first guess according to Yandex Images.

Arturs Karins (Krišjānis Kariņš), former Prime Minister of Latvia.

But I don't think that is him.  Why would the former Prime Minister of Latvia be walking next to Pete Hegseth?  Any other guesses?

I guess I should say, wrong answers only.

Guess #2 also according to Yandex:
Nikolai Denkov, former Prime Minister of Bulgaria.  I also don't think it is him as they look nothing alike except for the glasses.

Guess #3 according to Google Image search:
Woody Johnson, former US Ambassador to the UK.  It's definitely not him.  

Guess #4
It's definitely not Mark Rutte, Secretary General of NATO

Guess #5
Not Mark Esper, former US Secretary of Defense.

Guess #6
Not Bruno Le Maire of France.

Guess #7
Not Andrzej Duda, President of Poland. 

Guess #8
Could it be Jens Stoltenberg of Norway, former Secretary General of NATO?  Maybe, but probably not.

Guess #9
Dietmar Bartsch, German politician?  No

Guess #10, from Google image search
David F Helvey, former Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs.  Maybe, but probably not.  Upon looking again, I think this is the guy.

Another picture of David Helvey from here.  His title is now Deputy Defense Advisor in the US Mission to NATO.

The OODA Loop

 This is Sun Tzu The Art of War type stuff.  OODA means Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.  It means that you interrupt your enemies decision-making process, watch how they react, and then do something else that interrupts their decision making, and it throws them off balance.  It puts you in charge.

"If you could implement the OODA-loop faster than your enemy, then you were “inside” his decision-making cycle.  And they would die.  The key aspect of the OODA-loop is the “loop” — this wasn’t a one-time exercise, but a series of connected actions, each feeding off the other. You took an action and then observed the enemy’s reaction. You orient on the reaction, and decide which option is best before acting. The enemy now reacts. And the cycle repeats. Until the enemy dies. The goal is not to let up once engaged, to keep the enemy reacting to your actions until you have them where you want them."

Read:   https://consortiumnews.com/2025/02/17/scott-ritter-trumps-munich-strategy/

This is the game Trump is playing with the European Union.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Biden and his predecessors delivered a stinking fiscal and monetary mess to Trump

 Read: https://rogerboyd.substack.com/p/trumps-fiscal-hole-an-emperor-in

The US combination of high government debt to GDP (and very high overall public and private debt to GDP), a high government deficit even with a growing economy, and a 4% of GDP current account deficit places it in the worst position relative to other Western nations; only excepting a Japan that went into full on debt monetization many years ago.  Rating agencies estimate a 7.5% of GDP US deficit in both 2025 and 2026, given Trump’s stated plan to renew his expiring tax cuts and provide more for the rich oligarchs, and the small majority that the Republicans have in the Congress. Hence the emergence of DOGE under Elon Musk tasked with rapidly reducing expenditures.

Note: The 7.5% of GDP deficit prediction caught my attention.  I just got through predicting the 2025 deficit as $2.1 trillion, which is 6.9% of GDP.  A 7.5% of GDP deficit in 2025 would be $2.3 trillion, which is another $200 billion.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Projected Debt reaches limit in 2042


Here is my chart of projected deficits, interest and debt.  This builds on my previous forecast of Projected Government Spending (ex Interest) through 2040.  My calculation of interest is simple and probably wrong.  It is just 4% of the Debt to the Public at the end of the previous fiscal year.  So this indicates a breaking point in 2042.  Compare this to my previous forecast that indicated a breaking point in 2059.  And the one before that which saw a breaking point in 2039.

The main difference between this and the CBO forecast is that I project much higher interest costs.  I think that they are vastly underestimating interest expenses.  It makes sense to me to base interest on the amount of debt, instead of GDP.  

So what do I think will happen in 2042, give or take a few years?  Most likely inflation will rise above 10% or even go into hyperinflation, making our financial system unrecognizable.

What about DOGE cutting spending?  I don't think it will make much of a difference, the swamp is too deep and can't be drained.  Maybe they could cut spending by $100 billion per year, but it won't make a very big difference.

Magical Money Tree - the next generation


Source: https://www.mmted.org/smithfamily/

Hey kids, here is some more propaganda, err "education" for you.  Learn how old people are greedy and stupid and that you know the "truth" which is that the government can solve all the economic problems with the Magical Money Tree and there is no need to raise taxes or cut spending or lay off people.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Projected Government Spending (ex Interest) through 2040

 This is my chart of Projected Government Spending through 2040.  I am just taking the GDP I developed in a prior step and then using the same percentages that CBO does.  I see a couple of weird dips, like in 2029, spending is supposed to drop from 20.3% of GDP to 19.9% of GDP - why is that?  Also, it drops from 20.7% in 2033 to 20.3% in 2034 to 20.0% in 2035.  If anything, I would expect it to increase because that is around the time that the Social Security trust fund will run out.


Note that this does not include interest on the national debt, and so this does not show the total projected deficits.  In 2024, the actual spending, excluding interest, was $5.802 trillion, and interest was $950 billion, for total spending of $6.752 trillion. 

Another thing, I don't know why the CBO projects these to the nearest billion, to make them seem more precise than they are.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Projected Tax Revenue through 2040

 This is the second step in my financial projections which is the calculation of revenue.  I am using 17% of GDP as an average.  (Note that in 2024 the revenue was 16.7% of GDP).  

The CBO in their models assumes that revenue as a percent of GDP will rise almost every year, from 17.1% of GDP in 2025 to 18.6% in 2040 all the way to 19.3% in 2055 if you look at their latest Long-Term Budget Projection.  They don't explain why revenue as a percent of GDP will rise every year.  I think it is wishful thinking on their part. (See my commentary on the Closure Rule).  The 2026 increase could be explained because the Trump tax cuts of 2017 were supposed to end at the end of 2025, but that still doesn't explain why revenue as a percent of GDP will keep rising.  And I think it is likely that the tax cuts will be extended. 

So here is my forecast of tax revenues, with the CBO numbers as a comparison.  I am actually pretty close to their numbers, but slightly less.


Gold Rush


Source: https://goldprice.org/

The price of gold jumped $68 today, and at this rate it will exceed $3000 per ounce within a few days.  It was as low as $1820/ounce on on 10/5/23 and since then the price has soared and it doesn't appear to be stopping.

See also: https://aftermath2022.blogspot.com/2024/04/gold-is-going-up-at-rate-of-25-per-month.html  At that time in April 2024, the price of gold was $2296 and I commented that it was increasing at the rate of 2.5% per month and 30% annually.  Actually it has increased 41.75% over the last year.

Also watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdpf34TyVI0  A "Gold Run" May Have Begun at the Bank of England.  Everyone who has gold at the Bank of England is trying to get their gold out and gold that is located there is selling at a discount.  This is because people believe that the BOE doesn't actually have their gold because they lent it out.

See alsoBank of England suffers exodus of gold bullion .  Thousands of gold bars have been withdrawn from the Bank of England’s vaults since the end of last year amid fears around the impact of Donald Trump’s trade war. Threadneedle Street said roughly 8,000 bars had been moved out of its vaults in the past couple of months, representing around 2pc of the total stock. Sir Dave Ramsden, a deputy governor of the Bank, said it had been inundated with requests after gold prices on the futures market in New York surged above the London cash price. The wait to withdraw bullion stored in the Bank’s vaults has risen from a few days to several weeks as traders rush to take advantage of differences in price.

Projected GDP through 2040

 I feel like making another financial projection of the deficit and the place to start is the GDP forecast.  My previous forecast assumed an average nominal GDP growth rate of 5.5%.  I think this is too high, and for here I am using a 4.2% average nominal GDP growth.  This comes from the Social Security projected growth rate using intermediate assumptions. The Social Security projections actually go out through 2100, but for this I will only go through 2040.  The 4.2% projections are actually higher than the ones CBO uses in their January 2025 report, which are about 3.8%.  The CBO projections never get adjusted to actual GDP so I think I have a better starting point.  Also, note that I start with the BEA number for 3rd quarter 2024, which is $29.35 trillion (which I round to $29.4T). 

So here are the numbers, rounded to the nearest 100 billion, using a simplified format so it can be embedded.  These are the fiscal year projections (as of September 30) of each year.

GDP Projected
Forecast 4.20%
-------    ----------
2024 29,400
2025 30,600
2026 31,900
2027 33,200
2028 34,600
2029 36,100
2030 37,600
2031 39,200
2032 40,800
2033 42,500
2034 44,300
2035 46,200
2036 48,100
2037 50,100
2038 52,200
2039 54,400
2040 56,700

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The engineered housing crash and planned takeover of housing by hedge funds


Watch the video, it is very interesting.  This is going on right now in real time.  Housing prices are way too high and need to come down about 25%, foreclosures are skyrocketing, and hedge funds are poised to buy up houses at huge discounts.

Update:  Blogger won't show the correct video, but here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/4hejP3CV6wQ

The woman who can't be fired

Ellen Weintraub, Commissioner-for-Life of the Federal Electoral Commission

Ellen Weintraub was appointed as commissioner of the Federal Election Commission in 2002 by President George W Bush.  She received a salary of $158,500 in 2023 (according to this source).  

According to her, she was appointed for life and can't be fired except under certain circumstances.  However, Trump fired her anyway by turning off her email, taking her computer and disabling her pass that allows her to go in the building. According to her, she can be fired only by a President replacing her when her term has expired.  However, her term expired in 2007 and she has apparently never been re-appointed.  Apparently, she thinks the only way to fire her would be to explicitly appoint her for another term, and then when what term ends, she could be fired.

This should be interesting to watch.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Unified Theory of Trump’s Hyperactive Start


You create a debate over the issues knowing that, because of polarization, at least one-third of the American public is going to take your side, and sometimes much more than that. These are your investments in changing the culture. And do it with as many issues as possible, as quickly as possible (reread Ezra Klein on this). Think of it as akin to an early Jordan Peterson cranking out all those videos. Flood the zone. That is how you have an impact in an internet intensive, attention-at-a-premium world.

You will not win all of these cultural debates, but you will control the ideological agenda (I hesitate to call it an “intellectual” agenda, but it is). Your opponents will be dispirited and disorganized, just like the Democrats today. Then just keep on going. In the long run, you may end up “owning” far more of the culture than you suspected was possible.

The government will go dark on March 15, 2025

Read:   https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/04/government-shutdown-trump-funding-freeze-00202533  

While the Democratic leader in the House demands that Trump’s funding freeze be “choked off” as part of any funding agreement, Republican lawmakers say it will be Democrats who take the fall for causing a funding lapse if they hold that line. And so the shutdown blame game begins again. The exasperated Democrats sitting opposite Cole at the negotiating table say any good faith agreement with their GOP counterparts is meaningless if Trump disregards the will of Congress by using “impoundment” to withhold funding they pass into law. “If the White House is not going to honor an agreement and use impoundment, then it is hard to come to agreement,” Washington Sen. Patty Murray , the Senate’s top Democratic appropriator, said in a brief interview Tuesday.

That is only 37 days away.  The government shutdown that had been scheduled for December 21, 2024 has been postponed until March 15, 2025.  Aggravating factors:

1. Trump wants the debt ceiling also included in any deal. (At least he did in December).

2. Trump wants to make spending cuts and use impoundment.   So ironically, the Democrats who don't want spending cuts, will refuse to make a deal, which will result in the shutdown.  They don't have any leverage here.

3. The hard core right, I guess that includes me, wants further spending cuts and will reject a compromise bill.  Meanwhile, the Democrats won't support it because there are too many cuts.  So the votes aren't there.

4. Also, don't forget the BTFP will expire on March 10, 2025, which may cause a banking crisis because many banks are reliant on it.  Update: The BTFP is already shut down and this didn't cause an issue, so scratch this.

Shut it all down!

Update: 5. According to Thomas Massie, the Democrats will insist on fully funding US AID as a price of avoiding a government shutdown.  So the Republicans will have to agree to fund US AID in order to reopen the government. Or else not agree and keep the government closed.  Hmm, tough decision.


Update: The Democrats agree that the government should shut down.   https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2025/02/10/rep-hoyle-dems-wont-fund-the-government-if-it-undermines-the-american-people/

Representative Val Hoyle (D-OR) said on Monday on CNN’s “News Central” that Democratic lawmakers will not vote to fund the government if Republicans are advancing President Donald Trump’s agenda, which “undermines the American people.” Host John Berman said, “What can you do about this? There are some raising the possibility of shutting down the government in March, when some of these funding bills come up for a vote. Do you think Democrats should stand in the way?”  They will need Democratic votes to pass this budget. And fundamentally we’re not going to vote for something that undermines the American people.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) in 67 Bullet Points

I am just making a note of this:  https://mmt101.substack.com/p/modern-monetary-theory-mmt-in-67  The phrase "Taxes don't pay for spending" is repeated 9 times.  If you don't need taxes for spending, then you should abolish the IRS.  Also, the Treasury doesn't need to issue bonds anymore, it can just spend whatever it wants.