Saturday, April 18, 2015

The April Curse continues

I haven't said anything about the April Curse this year in hopes that it would go away, but no such luck.

April 8, 2015. - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found guilty of 30 counts of murder in federal court.
April 14, 2015 - A jury was seated in the death penalty trial of Colorado theater shooter James Holmes, who "allegedly" killed 12 people at a movie theater in Aurora on July 20, 2012. The opening statements are expected for April 27.

And I didn't write this:  Separated by 2 decades, the Oklahoma City and Boston Marathon bombings are linked by an enduring mystery
"Both McVeigh and Tsarnaev have hinted at what motivated them, and it was generally the same — anger at the government for killing people. ... For all of their differences, McVeigh and the Tsarnaev brothers had one major attribute in common as they began to plot their attacks: personal failure. McVeigh was a decorated Gulf War veteran who aspired to join the Special Forces but he failed to pass the physical and psychological requirements. Disappointed, he subsequently quit the Army, ending what he thought would be a lifelong career in the military. Back home in New York, he had a breakdown — and the disappointment of his life soon manifested into anger, alienation and the subsequent plot in Oklahoma City.
 In Boston, Tamerlan Tsanaev was an immigrant who had never really assimilated to America. He had bet his life on boxing, hoping to do well enough to join the U.S. Olympic team and earn his citizenship. By all accounts, he was talented and might have made it, but after winning a few regional bouts, he was disqualified from a major tournament because he was not technically an American citizen. With no real job or skills, Tamerlan Tsarnaev struggled. He became increasingly angry, and according to the Boston Globe, he complained to his mother about hearing “voices” in his head, which she tried to quell by pushing him to embrace religion.

4/14/2015 - 400 migrants fleeing Libya drowned after their boat capsized.
4/19/2015 - at least 800 migrants drown when their boat capsizes near Libya.  Only 27 survived
4/19/2015 - ISIS executes at least 30 Christians in Libya.
4/24/2015 - 100 year anniversary of Armenian genocide, which Turkey denies

April 15, 2014 - Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria, kidnaps 276 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria. On April 13, 2015, hundreds of people protest in Abuja.

April 25,2015 - 100 year anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli.

April 27, 1865 - In the greatest Maritime disaster in US history, the Sultana, a Mississippi River steamboat, exploded near Memphis Tennessee, killing an estimated 1800 of her 2427 passengers, when three of the boat's four boilers exploded and she burned to the waterline and sank.

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