Wednesday, May 13, 2020

HEROES Act text

The Democrats want to spend another $3 trillion on top of everything else.  HEROES stands for Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions.  Here is the text.

One thing I noticed is that there is a section dealing with credit reporting.  Part of it forbids making new types of credit scores:

‘§ 630. Limitations on new credit scoring models during the COVID–19 emergency and major disasters ‘‘ ‘With respect to a person that creates and implements credit scoring models, such person may not, during a covered period (as defined under section 605C), create or implement a new credit scoring model (including a revision to an existing scoring model) if the new credit scoring model would identify a significant percentage of consumers as being less creditworthy when compared to the previous credit scoring models created or implemented by such person.’; 

Why are they so concerned with credit reporting?  It's like they want people to go further into debt.

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