Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Public Debt hits $28 Trillion

 On 8/13/2024, the Debt to the Public hit  $28,017,164,049,453.46.

One year prior on 8/31/2023, the Debt to the Public hit  $26,044,050,577,584.54.

One year prior to that, on 8/9/2022, it hit $24,027,688,178,378.89.

Slightly more than one year prior to that, on 4/29/21, it hit  $22,056,055,138,417.67.

Slightly less than one year prior to that, on 6/3/2020, it hit $20,031,292,630,338.74.

Are you noticing a pattern?  So we should hit $30 trillion in August of 2025 and $32 trillion in August of 2026 and so forth.

When did the public debt first hit $14 trillion? On 12/31/14.  So the doubling time is slightly less than 10 years.  So in 2034, this should hit $56 trillion.


GDP is now $28.6 trillion, so the debt to GDP ratio is 97.9%.

One year ago, debt to the public was $26 trillion and GDP was $26.8 trillion, so the ratio then was 97.0%.  So it increased 0.9% in one year.  

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