Friday, August 9, 2013

Freak Elevator Accidents

Elevator companies claim that elevators are the safest form of transportation.  I doubt that.  Here are a few horrifying elevator stories:
  • May 2013 - NYC. Inunion Tursunov was trapped in an elevator in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and tried to escape but fell to his death.
  • March 2012 - NYC.  An elevator mechanic was electrocuted in an elevator, killing him.
  • December 2011 - NYC.  Suzanne Hart, an advertising executive, was stepping into an elevator when it suddenly shot upward, pinning her between the wall and the elevator and killing her.
  • December 2010 - NYC.  A woman in a Brooklyn hospital got her leg stuck between the elevator and the wall, mangling it from mid-thigh to her foot. 
  • November 2009 - NYC. Jerry Fuchs, a drummer, was stuck in an elevator in Brooklyn and tried to escape, but fell to his death down the elevator shaft.
  • October 1999 - NYC.  Nicholas White was trapped in an elevator for 41 hours, traumatizing him, and dramatically changing his life. He was fired from his job and became homeless.
  • January 1995 - NYC. James Chenault was stuck in an elevator with others.  He was helping other occupants escape when the elevator suddenly shot upwards, beheading him.
This is far from a complete list. I focused on stories from NYC because there are so many elevators there. There are many new skyscrapers being built, but I think more focus needs to be placed on elevator technology.

Architects forgot to put any elevators in a skyscraper under construction in Spain.

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