Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Martin Armstrong predicts a collapse in 2032

We will witness the collapse after 2032 and the shift to Asia. We are looking at 2028 as the start of the major collapse which should take just 4.3 years from that target date. The collapse will most likely take place more like the demise of Yugoslavia whereby it split according to religion but this time there will also be political philosophy. As Western Society begins to buckle at the knees going into 2028, we should expect to see a draconian attempt to retain power starting in 2024.

Martin needs to explain further what he thinks will happen. What I understand him saying is that there is a Marxist revolution going on right now which will go into full swing upon the election of the senile Joe Biden and the dictator who will replace him.  This will lead to centralized government control and nationalization of key industries.  This in turn will destroy the economy and lead to what Armstrong calls the Grand Collapse.  This will lead to civil war about 2028 and result in the end of the United States as we know it and it fragmenting into several countries.

He didn't say all that, that is my interpretation of what he is saying and connecting the dots.  Read his article and see if you disagree with what he is saying.

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