Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Will Tammy Duckworth be the next president?

Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth

[Connecticut Attorney John] Droney said he believes the best candidate is U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who lost both legs while serving as a U.S. Army helicopter pilot in 2004 during the Iraq War. “If you’re going to be practical about electing a president, you should pick a woman who will appeal to middle-class people who are not ideologues across the country,” he said. “She’s a war hero. She gave a lot for her country already. People respect that military service. That component is not part of the Democratic picture anymore. There are very few active Democrats who actually served in the military. ... Biden needs to get the middle class of America on his team.”  Source: Hartford Courant

Point 1:  As the article said, she is a military veteran.  How many female military veterans are there besides her and Tulsi Gabbard?

Point 2:  She was born in Bangkok, Thailand.  Her father is American and her mother is Thai Chinese.  So she is a minority.  And her name apparently is not Tamara, just Tammy.

Point 3:  She seems like a female clone of Barrack Obama.  Obama was born in 1961 in Hawaii and lived in Indonesia and Hawaii and became a U.S. Senator from Illinois.  Tammy was born in 1968 in Bangkok and lived in Jakarta, Indonesia and Hawaii and became a U.S. Senator from Illinois.

Point 4:  Did I mention that she doesn't have any legs? She is a female double amputee who lost her legs in Iraq in 2004.

Ding, ding, ding.  Meet your next president, Tammy Duckworth.  What about Joe Biden?  He is just a placeholder.

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