Thursday, May 30, 2024

Problems with the Special Prosecutor in Hunter Biden's case


I don't like Hunter Biden. I think he is a scumbag and should be in prison.  However, he deserves a fair trial.  His attorneys filed a motion to enjoin the Special Counsel because he didn't have an appropriation from Congress.  The judge denied the motion and she thinks the appellate court will deny it as well.

I think it has merit.  Who is paying the Special Counsel - is it the judicial branch?  Is it the Department of Justice (I think this is the case)? Who appointed the Special Counsel, and who could fire him?  If the judge appointed him, does the judge have the authority to order that the DOJ pay him?  I think these are valid questions, and deserve more thought.  

This case is in US District Court in Delaware.  Why couldn't the regular US District Attorney prosecute this case?  If it turns out the Special Counsel was improperly appointed, then the whole case could be thrown out.

Update: The court docket is available here:  I am asking the wrong questions.  The Special Counsel is supposed to be from outside the government, but David Weiss is the US District Attorney for Delaware.  So why did he need to be Special Counsel?

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