Friday, July 5, 2013

Hyperinflation predicted by 2015

John Williams

"This still-forming great financial tempest has cleared the horizon; its impact on the United States and those living in a dollar-based world will dominate and overtake the continuing economic and systemic-solvency crises of the last eight years.  The issues that never were resolved in the 2008 panic and its aftermath are about to be exacerbated.  Based on the precedents established in 2008, likely reactions from the government and the Fed would be to throw increasingly worthless money at the intensifying crises.  Attempts to save the system all have inflationary implications.  A domestic hyperinflationary environment should evolve from something akin to these crises before the end of next year (2014).”

Here is a possible scenario:
1. Fed ends QE3 by 2nd quarter of 2014.
2. Stock market crash a few months later, probably in September 2014.  Economy goes into recession.
3. Congress reacts by passing a massive stimulus package, because it learned in 2008 that that is how you fix recessions.  Fed monetizes the debt.
4.  Inflation quickly jumps to 20%+ per year.  Hyperinflation occurs when inflation hits 3% per month, as at that point prices double every 2 years.  Once inflation takes hold, it is like a forest fire burning out of control.  The Fed can't stop it since there is so much "dead wood" (excess reserves).

I'm not saying this will happen, but it could happen. The trigger?  As stated above - "likely reactions from the government" (massive deficit spending) "and the Fed" (monetizing the new debt).

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