Thursday, April 30, 2020

FISA should be abolished

JORDAN:  Bob Mueller had 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, $30 million and two years to do this and we’re just now learning it. Thank goodness Bill Barr put U.S. Attorney Jensen in charge of this to go back and look at the Mike Flynn situation. And, again, thank goodness that — that Sidney Powell has been pushing for this or we wouldn’t get this information.
And, again, I come back to, why didn’t we learn this from Chris Wray? Chris Wray testified in front of the Judiciary Committee two months ago, in February, and he told us with this whole FISA process, you can all sleep well at night. We’ve got it all under control.
Well, guess what, we just learned this information about General Flynn. And, just as importantly, Mr. Horowitz told us just four weeks ago he’s looked at 29 FISA applications, random sample of 29 FISA applications where American citizens have been spied on and he found that in every single one there were major problems.
In four of those 29, they couldn’t even find the Woods file, which is the underlying file they keep of the evidence that they then take to the — to the FISA court. In four of those cases, they couldn’t even find the Woods file. And the FBI director is telling us, oh, we can all sleep well at night.
This — I mean, again, if they can do this to a three-star general, if they can do this to the president of the United States, imagine what they can do to you and me. And, more importantly, imagine what they can do to the 750,000 people I get the privilege of representing in the fourth district of Ohio. That is what’s so troubling about all of this. And Christopher Wray needs to — needs to tell us what he’s been up to this two and a half years that he’s been director of the FBI.
The whole thing is starting to come out.  James Comey is a straight up crook and traitor and should be in jail, along with Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and everyone else from the FBI who knew that the Steele was totally false.  They were involved in a treasonous plot to overturn the results of the 2016 election. Bob Mueller was totally incompetent.  And Christopher Wray, the current FBI director should be fired for continuing to cover up the plot.  General Michael Flynn should be totally, completely exonerated.  And the FISA court should be totally abolished - no more spying on Americans.

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