Monday, April 27, 2020

We all believe in the Magical Money Tree now

This video is by Professor L Randall Wray.  According to Wakipedia, he is currently a professor at Bard College near New York City.  He is from the "Kansas City school of economics" (UMKC) along with fellow deep thinkers Michael Hudson and Stephanie Kelton. Other members are Matthew Forstater, economics professor at UMKC, and Max Skidmore, political science professor at UMKC.

The video is entitled "MMT: The Fed And The Treasury Can't Be Independent".  It's an example of MMT thinking.

I think it is important to understand MMT by proponents in their own words.  I think ultimately it is flawed, but it is just a theory or model which can be useful.  And both Democrats and Republicans are believers in it as evidenced by the massive bailouts.

One way I think about it (and this is my perception not those of MMTers) is that there is a secret government.  Not a deep state government led by generals who secretly meet in bunkers and pledge their allegiance to a secret leader - I speculate that this secret deep state leader is Prince Philip, but I digress.  No, the secret government is an economic government - "he who creates the money makes the rules".  The US government is primarily an economic institution - the Department of Treasury led by Steven Mnuchin - with a benevolent arm. The leader of this economic government (which Treasury is a part of, but not the head of) is - drumroll please - Laurence D Fink, the CEO of Blackrock.  I'm not saying Fink is the ultimate head of the secret economic government, but he is the public face of it.  Blackrock has been delegated power by the Federal Reserve to oversee the bailout.

Anyways, there is lots more that could be said about MMT - using pre-2020 writings and videos, and about the secret economic government.

And the article that inspired this blogpost:

And here is more:

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