Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The stimulus package will make things worse

From: https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/art-laffer-reacts-66-million-unemployment-claims-stimulus-will-make-economy

ART LAFFER (REAGAN ECONOMIC ADVISER): This stimulus package will make things worse, not better. What we need to do is let people who work and produce keep their income, not have the government take it, and by putting that stimulus package in just like in the 2008-2009 period, and in the Great Depression, it will make the economy worse, not better. 
VARNEY: I don't get it, Art. I don't get it. I don't see how massive spending, we are talking trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars, I don't see how that does not put a floor under the economy. I don't see how it hurts the economy. You explain it to me. You tell me how spending all of this money actually hurts the economy. 
LAFFER: I will. Government spending is taxation. Government doesn't create resources, Stuart. They redistribute resources. Whenever the government spends $1 trillion, it takes $1 trillion from workers and producers who otherwise would — so government spending is taxation and as such, government spending will reduce the growth rate of the U.S. and will hurt the economy in bad, bad times. Now, when we are rich and when prosperous, government spending is perfect then because we can afford to take resources away from producers. But right now, we need to be the fans of producers, not the fans of consumers. I'm very sorry, but that's what has to be done now. We need free markets more than ever. 

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