Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccines - An Introduction


This video explains what we already know - that the mRNA vaccine that is being promoted doesn't contain the virus itself but instructions to the cell on how to make the spike protein that the body can then fight and produce antigens against.  So you are attempting to fool the body's immune response to react against anything with a similar spike, even if the "guts" of the cell with the spike are different.

This video makes it sounds really cool and advanced.  But it doesn't answer my concerns which is that the vaccine hasn't been proven to stop Covid infections (all it does is lessen symptoms) so it doesn't really do anything and that the reaction to the vaccine could be severe in some instances.  Also the coronavirus pandemic is overstated so the risk/benefit tradeoff is not there.

So I am interested in anything the sheds light on these 3 issues, to restate: 1) does the coronavirus vaccine actually stop the spread of infection (as opposed to just lessening symptoms), 2) how serious are the possible side-effects, and 3) is the pandemic overstated so it isn't worth the risk of taking the vaccine. 

Also a 4th issue.  Since the vaccines haven't been tested that much, aren't early vaccine-takers just guinea pigs in a study?  It's ok if someone volunteers to be a participant in a widespread study, but its not ok to deceive someone and tell them that if they take a shot they will be immune to the 'rona.  So the ethical issues involved.

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