Wednesday, December 2, 2020

M5 for November 30

M5 is a measure of money that includes M2, plus debt held by the public, less Treasuries owned by the Fed. Here is the current measure:

As of 11/30/2020:

M2 (as of 11/16/20) = 19,108.3 (in billions of dollars)

Public Debt (as of 11/30/20) = 21,342.2

Fed Held (as of 11/25/20) = -4,606.6


Total = 35,843.9

On 10/31/20, this was at 35,385.0 and on 9/30/20 it was at 35,296.8.  So it is up 458.9 for the month or 1.3%.  If every month was like this, it would double in 54 months or 4.5 years.  This is an annual inflation rate of 16.7%.  

Year to date, since 9/30/20, it is up 547.1 or 1.55%.  This would double in 91 months or 7.5 years. This is an annual inflation rate of 9.7%.  

This is still too high, so I call it UNSUSTAINABLE.  

Basically, the financial system, which includes the Treasury Department (headed by Steve Mnuchin), the Federal Reserve (headed by Jay Powell), and Wall Street (of which the biggest bank is JPMorgan Chase headed by Jamie Dimon), collectively created $459 billion of cash out of thin air through some hocus-pocus in only one month, the month of November.  This is debt but the debt will never be paid back, so that is essentially free money.

Watch this space.  The numbers will only go up from here at an ever-accelerating pace.

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