Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Deficit of $73 Billion in June 2024

 The deficit in June 2024 was $73 billion, CBO estimates—compared with a $228 billion deficit recorded in June 2023.  The federal budget deficit was $1.3 trillion [actually $1.275 trillion] in the first nine months of fiscal year 2024, the Congressional Budget Office estimates—$118 billion less than the deficit recorded during the same period last fiscal year. Revenues were $342 billion (or 10 percent) higher and outlays were $225 billion (or 5 percent) higher from October through June than during the same period in fiscal year 2023.  https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2024-07/60361-MBR.pdf

Net interest for June 2024 was $83 billion ($705 - $622),  This is up from $58 billion in June 2023.

On 6/30/24, the national debt was $34.832 trillion.  On 6/30/23, it was $32.332 trillion.  So it increased 7.7% in one year.

The Federal Reserve now has a deficit of $178.5 billion (as of 6/26/24), up from $171.9 billion (as of 5/29/24), an increase of $6.6 billion for the month.  This is not included in the national debt above.  (As long as this number stays below about $200 billion, it is not really a cause for concern).

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