Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Military Purge

"The Obama Putsch regime is now consolidating power and is purging the military of any flag officers that either have inside information that could blow the lid off the regime and/or men that they fear could organize a junta or counter-coup. And, as with Rohm and the SA, the modern American flag officer corps, as I have said many, many times, is a hive of sickening moral degenerates. Almost ALL flag officers today are adulterous fornicators who can be blackmailed exactly like Petraeus."

That's the best explanation for what is going on.  Does anybody really think this is about a few emails?

The hit-list:
Africom General Carter Ham
Marine Corp Gen. Joseph Dunford
Navy Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette
CIA Director (Gen.) David H. Petraeus
Marine Corp Gen. John R. Allen
Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair - ("You can take this to the bank - Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair has been humiliated in headlines coast to coast - "FORCIBLE SODOMY" ad nauseam - because someone very high up the chain of command wants him destroyed, utterly and completely.")
Navy Cmdr. Joseph E. Darlak - for "failure to ensure the proper conduct of his wardroom officers" during a port visit to Vladivostok in September.

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