Monday, March 11, 2019

Another conspiracy theory

I like bizarre conspiracy theories and here is another one.  That the Department of Defense has a secret alternate Central Bank that created $21 trillion in dark money that is hidden in a vast network of secretive off-shore companies and banks, and which pops up from time-to-time to buy U.S. treasury bonds.

First, as background, read these articles:
Rob Kirby has spoken about this quite a bit and there are dozens of articles that originate with him.  Also search for Catherine Austin Fitts.

I want to speculate on this for a few minutes.  I don't have any inside information.  I think that the $21 trillion number is vastly inflated and much of this is just very shoddy accounting by the DoD.  But let's say the number is $2 trillion.

How is money created?  I've speculated on this before and don't have a clear handle on it, but if a government entity is allowed to overdraft its accounts and have checks clear that should bounce then that surely creates money.  The Treasury can't do this - it has to issue Treasury bonds to raise money.  But suppose there is an alternate banking system that allows the DoD to do this.  The DoD would issue IOUs (instead of bonds) which are really just bookkeeping entries.  The money would be used to pay contractors and it would also go into slush funds.  I imagine that each of the departments would have its own slush fund with hundreds of billions in it that it could use if its official funding ever got cut and to fund programs for which it doesn't have funding or authorization.  For example, the Army supposedly received an extra $800 billion in 2015 to cover past year budget adjustments.

The genius of bankers is that they can create money out of thin air and they get paid the interest on the debt.  So as long as interest is paid, the scheme can continue.  If the secret debt is $2 trillion, then at 3%, the interest is $60 billion per year, a number that can easily be hid in the DoD budget.

The US is a sovereign nation and can issue its own currency to infinity.  I have speculated that the state of California is in the same position to a much lesser extent.  What about the Department of Defense?  If Congress in a fit of insanity (or sanity) decided to abolish all funding for defense would the DoD cease to exist?  Obviously not, national security can not depend on the whims of Congress.  So obviously, the DoD is semi-sovereign, somewhat like the Federal Reserve.  But since their activities are hidden (and because they have guns), it is only logical to assume they have greater powers.

So where all this secret dark money hidden?  I speculate that it must be through special companies and banks in the Caribbean.  What about in Belgium (population 11 million) which has the ability to purchase hundreds of billions in treasury bonds?  What if NATO is in effect a country, with its parliament and ambassadors?  And what about Euroclear, which is based in Belgium?

This would make a plot for a good science fiction book.  I may post some videos from Rob Kirby and Catherine Fitts that explain this dark money more.

Another Link:
Dr Mark Skidmore is an economist at Michigan State University who discovered the $21 trillion missing.  This was a cumulative number dating back to 1998.

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