Friday, March 1, 2019

Magic Money Tool

You just push a button and it creates money out of thin air.

governments need not tax or borrow in order to spend — they can just create money out of thin air. A few computer keystrokes and everyone gets health insurance, student debt disappears, and we can save the climate too, without all that messy class conflict

Do you believe in the MMT?  It is the answer to all the world's problems, at least all the problems involving money.  There is an infinite supply of dollars just waiting to be printed, what is stopping us?  

Yes it will cause a little inflation, but that's a good thing since it makes it easier to pay back debts and it keeps people from hoarding money.  And we know how to keep inflation under control, by jacking up the Fed Funds Rate.  In a paper criticizing MMT, the left-Keynesian economist Thomas Palley says he’s heard a “leading” MMTer say inflation less than 40 percent is “costless.”

Seize the money relation!  Enlist the aesthetic in money’s expansion! Hail money as the center of caretaking! Declare your dependence on care’s center! Relinquish attachments to thisness! Imagine a boundless public center! Never forsake abstraction for gravity’s attractions! Exalt abstraction as the locus of care!  It goes on for over two hundred pages, as Ferguson summons Heidegger and the Eucharist to uncover in this new notion of money endless reservoirs and beauty and tenderness. This develops the utopian potential of MMT in ways that are outside the economist’s standard skillset, but it bears a tenuous relation with earthly reality.

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