Monday, June 10, 2024

3 Day Sardine Diet


This diet was invented by Dr Annette Bosworth aka "Dr Boz".  The rules are:

 Eat only sardines in oil for 72 hours. The clock starts when you eat your first bite of sardines. “Eat as many as you like, whenever you like. There are no limits and no hunger,” Dr. Boz says.  You should only consume sardines in oil, salt, water and black coffee. Keep it up for three days. Then have one last can of sardines. “I don’t let you end the fast until you eat your last bite of sardines at the 72nd hour.”


See also:

This is a minor variation that also allows herring and mackerel, as well as sardines packed in mustard or tomato sauce, and kippered or smoked sardines, herring or salmon. The author suggests buying 15 tins as that is how many you will consume in 3 days.

I am really interested in this, and will try it soon and update with my results.


See also the 3 day tuna diet, previously described here:

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