Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Punishment for supporting Trump


Usually, attorneys are not personally affected just because they argue a case.  Everyone understands that a defense attorney is not advocating for crime, they are only presenting a legal defense, and if they lose the case, they are not sanctioned or disbarred, otherwise no attorney would risk defending a controversial defendant.

However, with Donald Trump it is different.  Numerous attorneys and advisors are being personally punished or persecuted for having the audacity to defend him.  Here is a partial list:

Rudy Guiliani had his law license suspended, and hearings are underway to disbar him. He was also sued by Dominion Voting Systems and ordered to pay $148 million, and he declared bankruptcy.  He is also being criminally charged in Georgia.

Sidney Powell is facing a disciplinary investigation in Michigan, and is also being sued by Dominion, and she is being criminally charged in Georgia.

Michael Cohen was Trump's personal attorney and Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization.  He served a 3-year prison sentence (released in 2021) for tax evasion and campaign finance violations.  These partially relate to arranging payments of "hush money" to Trump accusers.  He is now Trump's enemy.

John Eastman was a constitutional law scholar at Chapman.  California is in the process of disbarring him, but he is appealing. He was also charged criminally in Georgia and Arizona.

Jenna Ellis was charged in Arizona and Georgia and suspended for practicing law for 3 years in Colorado.

Lin Wood was under investigation by the Georgia bar but he retired in lieu of being disciplined.

Alina Habba was ordered to pay sanctions and attorneys fees after bringing a failed lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.

Jeffrey Clark is facing disbarment in DC. He was also criminally charged in Georgia.

Mark Meadows was criminally indicted in Georgia.

Kenneth Chesebro had argued more than 100 cases before the Supreme Court. He was criminally indicted in Georgia and he reached a plea bargain.  He is also facing charges in Wisconsin.

George Papadopoulos served 12 days in prison for lying to investigators.

Roger Stone, advisor, was sentenced to 40 months in prison but had his sentence commuted by Trump in 2020.

Peter Navarro, advisor, is currently in jail in Miami serving a 4 month sentence for contempt of Congress because he believed he was bound by executive privilege.

Steve Bannon will soon serve a 4 month sentence for contempt of Congress.

Michael Flynn, a retired Lt. General, had a spotless military record before he served as National Security Advisor. He made the mistake of talking to a Russian counterpart and then lying about it to Pence.  He then made a much bigger mistake of pleading guilty to a felony about the lie.  He was pardoned by Trump in 2020.

Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager in 2016, was sentenced to 43 months in prison, but pardoned by Trump in 2020.

Rick Gates, Trump's deputy campaign director, spent 45 days in jail.

Allen Weisselberg, Trump Organization CFO, spent 5 months in prison.

Don Trump Jr and Eric Trump are barred from serving as corporate officers for 3 years in New York and must pay $4 million each as part of the NY civil fraud case.

Mike Lindell, who make pillows, was ordered to pay $5 million for claiming that the 2020 election was stolen.

This is not a complete list.  There is more.

I wrote this pretty quickly and probably made some mistakes, which I will correct if I find them.  But the point is that there is a pattern of prosecuting and persecuting Trump advisors.


Update.  Add Michelle Malkin and Eric Metaxas to the list. (And Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit). They may have to pay hundreds of thousands of attorney fees after being sued by Dominion.

Christina Bobb, a former Trump attorney, was indicted in Arizona. She has 9 felony counts against her and could potentially spend the rest of her life in prison.

James Troupis is also being charged in Wisconsin.


Tom Barrack, Trump's inaugural committee chair, was charged with, but acquitted of, illegal lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. Elliott Broidy pled guilty in 2020 of acting as an unregistered foreign agent.  He was pardoned by Trump.

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