Thursday, June 13, 2024

Is March 10, 2025 the Date America Falls?

 See this video:  The DATE America Falls (w/100% PROOF!)  (

John Williams, the commentator, thinks that March 10, 2025 is the date when everything comes crashing down.  This is because the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) ceased making loans on March 11, 2024 and all existing loans must be paid back within 1 year.  (The BTFP was introduced on March 12, 2023 as a reaction to Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and other bank failures).  Hundreds of banks [he says 1800 banks] are insolvent and relying on the BTFP and when it ends, the crash will come.  

Quote: "They have one year one year to pay it back and so you think about this they have terms up till a year so if they took it out March 10th right right before the end they would have until you know they have 365 days until the end of the year so they have until March 9th and so when you think about this of 2025 you think about this where we're at right now we are going to see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of banks unable to be able to pay back these uh the btfp and so these banks are going to start folding presenting a massive massive crisis that we're going to be walking into."


Update:  The Federal Debt Limit suspension will expire on January 2, 2025.  While Congress always acts before the X date, it may be a few months before it lifts the ceiling again.  In 2023, the debt ceiling hit on January 19, and it was not lifted until June 3, 2023.  

In 2025, the federal debt limit will likely be frozen on March 10, 2025, so if any sort of crisis hits, Congress will be unable to act until it reaches agreement on raising the debt ceiling.

The current BTFP has a balance of about $165 billion.

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