Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fake Space News - GDP of Mars was $395K in 1Q 2024

 When we last visited Mars and its infant export economy, the Mars Perseverance Rover has collected and packaged four more rock samples on the planet's surface over the span of another Martian quarter.  We estimate the value of the samples collected during the fifth Martian quarter the rover has been on the Red Planet to be $395,544, the middle of a range that spans from $88,624 to $702,464. Through the five Martian quarters, some 23 samples have been collected in total with a combined estimated value of a little under $2.2 million. Since the end of that fifth quarter, one additional sample has been collected, so the total number of samples at this date is 24 samples in all.

Note: A Martian year has 687 earth days, so a Martian quarter has about 5.5 months.

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