Friday, June 7, 2024

Persecution of journalist who exposed Dominion


 So Dominion Voting Systems sues anyone who claims that their voting system is insecure.  They sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, and Fox News settled for $787 million but Fox did not apologize.  I am not sure why they settled, maybe because they thought the trial would be rigged.

But Eric Coomer, who worked for Dominion Voting Systems with the title of Officer of Strategy and Security, admitted on a videotape that was supposed to be secret, that he would make sure that Trump would not win the 2020 election.  This was exposed by Joe Oltmann, who was a journalist working for Conservative Daily at the time.

Now Coomer is suing Joe Oltmann and others for daring to expose the videotape.  Oltmann apparently infiltrated the group and listened in on a group conference call.  Coomer wants to know who leaked the info to Oltmann, but Oltmann is refusing to disclose his sources.  

Bring the popcorn, this is very interesting.

See also:

The defendants in the case are:  Donald J Trump for President Inc; Sidney Powell; Michelle Malkin; James Hoft and The Gateway Pundit; and Eric Metaxas.  

The Colorado Court of Appeals said that the Plaintiff had a "reasonable likelihood of success on his claims for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress".


I don't have time to research this right now but there appear to be two cases: one brought in Denver District Court (which was appealed to the Colorado Court of Appeals), and one brought in the US District Court for the District of Colorado.

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