Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Force Awakens is A New Hope

Ok this is old news, but it is new to me.

I saw part of The Force Awakens (2015) on TV on Sunday night and I realized that it was a remake of  the original Star Wars (1977) film, later called A New Hope.  Then I found that lots of other people have come to the same conclusion.  Here is a partial list of parallels:

Rey is Luke Skywalker, an orphan who lives on a desert planet.
Poe Dameron is Princess Leia.  He gives the plans to the robot, just like Princess Leia did in the original.  And he gets captured by the dark lord at the beginning, just like Princess Leia did.  (Note that other people see him more like Han Solo.)
BB-8 is R2D2.
Finn is Han Solo, mostly, although there is one scene where he takes off his stormtrooper helmet that parallels Luke Skywalker taking off his stormtrooper helmet.  Finn is a reluctant hero.  He doesn't want to get involved if he doesn't have to, just like Han Solo.
Kylo Ren is Darth Vader. (Kylo Ren is actually Ben Solo, the son of Han Solo and Leia, who turns to the dark side).
Maz Kanata is Obi-Won Kenobi, mostly, although she also has similarities to Yoda.  The wise old person who teaches about the Force.
Bala-Tik is Boba Fett, the bounty hunter.  He works for Kanjiklub, who is the equivalent of Jabba the Hutt.  (Although there is also another set of bounty hunters after Han Solo - Tasu Leech, Yayan Ruhian, and Calvin Chen.  I don't know if they are working together with Bala-Tik.  And I don't care enough to read up on them).
Supreme Leader Snoke is Emperor Palpatine (of course).

At one point, the real Han Solo plays Obi-Won Kenobi, by getting into a light saber duel with Kylo Ren. And he gets cut down, just like Obi-Won did.

The original is much better, of course.  The Force Awakens is tedious to watch and complicated.  It isn't fun.  It's an art project.  The only thing that makes it interesting is finding these parallels.  And actually, the movie become more enjoyable once you recognize them.

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