Friday, September 6, 2019

WTC Oculus fail

The World Trade Center project spent $4 billion on this bizarre transportation hub, shopping center, and ugly art project called the "World Trade Center Transportation Hub" or the Oculus.  The architect is Santiago Calatrava.  It has about 40 "ribs" that are connected to hidden motors that are supposed to open once a year on September 11.  However, each rib is connected to a separate motor with a separate computer controlling each one, and the software is buggy.  Also, the whole thing leaks.  So it won't be able to open for September 11 this year.

It's mind boggling how expensive this is, and what a fiasco it is. But no one is complaining, because the government is paying for the whole thing (the Federal government is paying for at least $2.8 billion), and no amount is too much to pay for the memory of 9/11.

Some links:

And an untold amount of the price is intrinsically tied up with the building’s exoticism. Constructing it has required an enormous amount of custom fabrication. The steel of the oculus, cast in specialty shops, came over from Italy on nine ships.

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