Source: http://bycommonconsent.com/2009/01/19/the-temple-lot/
One of the Mormon scriptures prophesied that the city of Zion would be built in Independence, Missouri (DC 57:1-3). "Behold, the place which is now called Independence is the center place; and a spot for the temple is lying westward, upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse." They purchased 63 acres in 1831 in Independence to fulfill this vision. Joseph Smith and Sidney Rignon dedicated it as a future location of a temple, and buried "marker" stones.
However, these plans came to a screeching halt in 1833 when the church leaders were tarred and feathered, their property confiscated and their 1200 followers forcibly removed from Jackson County. Most moved to adjacent Clay and Caldwell Counties. All Mormons, more than 10,000, were forced to leave Missouri in 1838 after losing the Mormon war, and moved to Nuavoo, Illinois.
Granville Hedrick was the leader of one the Mormon sects that did not go to Utah, and he supposedly received a vision that his group was to return to Independence, Missouri and build a temple. In 1867, the "Hedrickites" bought a "quit claim" deed to 2 strategic acres of land where the temple was to have been built. The group, known as "Church of Christ (Temple Lot)" with about 5,000 members, still owns the property. They started building the temple in 1937 but could not raise enough money and the excavation was filled in in 1946, and today it is a vacant lot with a few trees. They have a small church building on the property.
The RLDS church, which believes that Joseph Smith III was the true successor to his father, bought the entire 63 acres in 1887, and brought a lawsuit in 1891 against the Hedrickites, over the disputed 2 acres. They won at trial, but lost on appeal. They have built 3 buildings on their property: the Stone Church, the Auditorium, and their temple, which has a distinctive spire, and seats 1,600. The group is known today as Community of Christ and has about 250,000 members.

Community of Christ Temple in Independence, MO.
The Remnant Church split off from the RLDS in 2001, when the main group renamed itself the Community of Christ. Their main dispute was over the ordination of women but there were other issues as well. They believes that the President of the church must be a lineal descendant of Joseph Smith. Their headquarters is across the street from the Community of Christ temple in a former high school once attended by Harry S Truman. This group has 1000-2000 members.
The "official" Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints purchased land in 1904, and built a visitor's center in 1971 that looks like a Greek temple. They built a temple in Clay County in 2012 about 10 miles away. Apparently they didn't want to highlight the competition with the other groups.

LDS Temple in Clay County, Missouri.
There is also a UN Peace Plaza plaza across the street from the auditorium, and the Harry Truman Presidential Library is nearby.
I think the whole thing is very strange. Four different groups competing for the same land. It's as if some momentous event occurred there, but nothing ever has.
Update: There is yet a another group, the Cutlerites, located just a few blocks away, that insist that they are the "true" Mormon church.
Update 2: These seems to be sort of like rebuilding the Jewish temple in Jerusalem on the site of the Muslim Dome of the Rock. "Prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a magnificent edifice—the New Jerusalem Temple—will be erected on the location of the Temple Lot."
Update 3: Here is part of the White Horse Prophecy:
"The coming of the Messiah among his people will be so natural that only those who see him will know that he has come, but he will come and give his laws unto Zion and minister unto his people. This will not be his coming in the clouds of Heaven to take vengeance on the wicked of the world.”
“The temple in Jackson county, Missouri, will be built in that generation. The saints will think that there will not be time to build it, but with all the help you can receive, you can put up a great temple quickly. You will have all the gold, silver and precious stones you need, for these things will only be for the beautifying of the temple. Also, all the skilled mechanics you want and the Ten Tribes of Israel will help build it. When you see this land bound with iron, you may look forward to Jackson county.”
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