Monday, April 1, 2019

Annales ecclesiastici Caesaris Baronii


I just got through posting my doubts about the authenticity of Sicut Dudum.  I still can't find a good source for it, but it supposedly is in the book called "Annales ecclesiastici Caesaris Baronii" vol. 28, which was published in 1864.  It is probably there, and I am just not seeing it.  Anyways, here is another old date, which seems to be May 5, 1437, and is about the same timeframe.

The author is Caesar Baronius (1538-1607).  He obviously was a Latin scholar and had sources which we no longer have.  Which means he could have easily made up everything in the books including the dates. Is he reliable?

Baronius wrote 12 volumes of the Annales Ecclesiastici, which covered the years 1 to 1193 AD.  Other writers continued his work, most notably Odorico Raynaldi (1595-1671), who covered the years 1194 to 1565.  So Raynaldi probably wrote volume 28.   He probably added the dates that use Roman numerals.

In any event, the above 1437 date is not contemporaneous, since it was put down on paper about 1650, although it may have been based on some older documents which we don't have.

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