Monday, April 8, 2019

Is Vitamin A Toxic?

I just read this crazy claim.  I like wild conspiracy theories so I am repeating it, but I do not endorse this.  But it is interesting to read.

One of the most important aspects to fully understand and appreciate about vitamin-A toxicity is that it affects the entire body. It does not affect just one organ or show up in just one tissue type. No, the scope and breadth of the destruction it will cause is just staggering. It will slowly destroy everything from the hair on top of your head down to the nails on the ends of your toes. It will also slowly destroy every other organ and tissue in between. Although vitamin-A toxicity will be most aggressively expressed by the destruction of the epithelial tissues, it will have profound and devastating cascading effects throughout the rest of the body too. Vitamin A is very capable of destroying every cell in the human body. However, it’s most devastating effect is upon the body’s stem cells. Although most of the visible toxicity destruction takes place on the surface tissues, that of the skin, eyes, hair, and joints, that is just the beginning of its reach. It will slowly suck calcium out of the bones and teeth. It will distort the very shape of the spine and skull. It will be correspondingly destroying all the internal organs too. It will destroy the pancreas, the lungs, the kidneys, the digestive tract, the liver, the spleen, the thyroid, the lymph nodes, both the female and male reproductive organs, all mucus generating tissues, all villi structured tissues, the blood vessels, the heart valves, the eyes, the ear canals, and more. As the scope of the toxicity destruction progresses, it will seriously impair the functioning of the brain too. As the bones are slowly depleted of their calcium, that calcium reacts with the iron and oxygen in the blood. That exothermic reaction then not only causes intense inflammation, it drastically reduces and limits the blood’s ability to carry adequate amounts of oxygen. That limited oxygen supply then, in turn, can most certainly cause chronic fatigue, depression, psychoses, and even long-term brain damage. Yes, all this destruction can be caused by getting too much of what modern medicine has termed, and wants you to continue to believe, is a “vitamin.”

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