Monday, May 20, 2019

Enemy of the State, part II

Chelsea Manning
Chelsea [Bradley] Manning was once again found in contempt by a federal judge for refusing to testify before a grand jury and will return to jail, just seven days after being released from the same jail. In a court proceeding Thursday in Alexandria, Virginia, Manning was remanded by the US Marshals Service and will return to detention. The judge also ruled that he will be fined $500 per day after 30 days and $1,000 per day after 60 days.   Assistant US Attorney Thomas Traxler argued Thursday that "Manning holds the keys to the jailhouse door," while Manning told Judge Anthony Trenga that he would "rather starve to death" than testify. "I would rather starve to death than change my opinions in that regard," Manning told Trenga, reiterating her opposition to the secretive grand jury process.

Manning will likely be placed back in "administrative segregation" for 22 hours a day.

Manning is being held in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a grand jury about her contacts with Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

Manning was sentenced to 35 years in military prison for espionage and theft in 2013.  His sentence was commuted by President Obama in 2017, so he served less than 4 years of the sentence.

He could be in there a long time.  Martin Armstrong was held in jail on contempt charges for more than seven years before he folded.

I don't think Bradley Manning should have ever been giving top secret clearance, and I think he should have been executed or given life in prison for his actions.  He gave millions of top secret documents to Wikileaks.  That said, he has completed his sentence.  He is being harassed by the government now because they hate Julian Assange so much.

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