Thursday, April 5, 2012

MIT predicts Global Economic Collapse by 2030

Researchers at the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say that, at this rate, the planet is likely to be plagued by a “global economic collapse” in fewer than two decades if humans continue to gobble up natural resources at the same rate they are today.
The report was led by MIT’s Jay W. Forrester’s Institute and used a computing model to examine the correlation between global developments and their affect on the Earth. Variables involving the amount of available resources, different level of agricultural productivity, birth control and environmental protection were taken into account to examine what the future holds for the human race and, according to the researchers, it isn’t very good.
“Only drastic measures for environmental protection proved to be suitable to change this systems behavior, and only under these circumstances, scenarios could be calculated in which both world population and wealth could remain at a constant level. However, so far the necessary political measures were not taken,” explains The Club of Rome, a global think-tank based out of Italy who commissioned MIT to conduct the research.
The study suggests that as earthlings continue to consume vast amounts of resources that cannot be replaced, a “precipitous population decline” will also be triggered unless adjustment are made to the way mankind manages its intake and stays at its current pace of plaguing the Earth’s ecosystems through mass industrialization. Perhaps most surprising, however, is that the researcher’s results, to some, is nothing new at all.
As it happens, the MIT report largely mirrors the results of a similar study conducted back in 1972 called “The Limits to Growth.”

1 comment:

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